Welcome to The Conan Doyle (Crowborough) Establishment website. The site contains a brief history and our objectives, news and events, our merchandise and useful links.
The Conan Doyle (Crowborough) Establishment is a non-profit making venture, which is devoted to the promotion of the life and works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Full membership of The Establishment is by invitation, but Associate Membership is available to all those who are interested in the life and works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Full and Associate Membership entitles members to receive a copy of the Annual Research File and a newsletter. The file comprises of a loose-leaf clip folder containing numerous articles about Sir Arthur and his work from original research and scholarship and information on the Crowborough area at the time of Sir Arthur's residence, plus a great variety of other material.
The Establishment also issues occasional publications and commemorative first day postal covers connected with Sir Arthur. Members of the Establishment will be pleased to assist other Doylean scholars with any enquiries that they may have, particularly in connection with Sir Arthur's period of residence at Crowborough. The enquirer must cover any costs involved; as such funds as the Establishment raises, through the sale of publications and other Doylean material, are devoted to furthering Doylean scholarship and to the maintenance of the plaque commemorating Sir Arthur at Montargis Terrace in Crowborough.
You will realise this all requires funds, and we raise most of these funds by annual membership donation. This means we set minimum scales of donation, and for members ONLY we produce an annual ACD Research File and Newsletter. As this is a rare commodity it is often requested by non-members and we are unable to supply it in this way.
Files are sent off on May 22nd each year. Postage overseas airmail costs one third of the basic donation; the File/Newsletter costs two thirds, so you can see we make little or no profit on the basic donation. If you can afford it, we have no ceiling on the annual donation, so you can help us fund our work by increasing your donation. This means you can help us keep Sir Arthur's memory green, and our research will continue. The Newsletter is sent out during January, with an Irregular Newsletter sent to all members during the year, as and when required.
Details of our membership donation and method of payment can be found on the News and Events page.